publication_title print_identifier online_identifier date_first_issue_online num_first_vol_online num_first_issue_online date_last_issue_online num_last_vol_online num_last_issue_online title_url first_author title_id embargo_info coverage_depth notes publisher_name publication_type date_monograph_published_print date_monograph_published_online monograph_volume monograph_edition first_editor parent_publication_title_id preceding_publication_title_id access_type linking_issn holding_list all_issn Annals of Clinical Psychiatry 1040-1237 1547-3325 2004-01-01 16 1 2008-11-30 20 4 ISSN_10401237 fulltext Preserved, triggered Taylor & Francis Group Serial P 1997 - v. 9 (1-4), 1998 - v. 10 (1-4), 1999 - v. 11 (1-4), 2000 - v. 12 (1-4), 2001 - v. 13 (1-4), 2002 - v. 14 (1-4), 2003 - v. 15 (1-4), 2004 - v. 16 (1-4), 2005 - v. 17 (1-4), 2006 - v. 18 (1-4), 2007 - v. 19 (1-4), 2008 - v. 20 (1-4), 2008 - v. 20 Suppl 1 (null) 1040-1237;1547-3325 Arbitration Law Reports and Review 2044-8651 2044-9887 2001-01-01 2001 1 2007-01-01 2007 1 ISSN_20448651 fulltext Preserved, triggered Oxford University Press Serial P 2044-8651 2001 - v. 2001 (1), 2002 - v. 2002 (1), 2003 - v. 2003 (1), 2004 - v. 2004 (1), 2005 - v. 2005 (1), 2006 - v. 2006 (1), 2007 - v. 2007 (1) 2044-8651;2044-9887 Arbitration Law Reports and Review 2044-8651 2044-9887 2012-05-15 2011 1 2012-05-15 2011 1 ISSN_20448651 fulltext Preserved, triggered Oxford University Press Serial P 2044-8651 2012 - v. 2011 (1) 2044-8651;2044-9887 Australian and New Zealand Journal of Audiology 1443-4873 2001-05-01 23 1 2010-05-01 32 1 ISSN_14434873 fulltext Preserved, triggered Australian Academic Press (through 2011) Serial P 1839-5244 2001 - v. 23 (1-2), 2002 - v. 24 (1-2), 2003 - v. 25 (1-2), 2004 - v. 26 (1-2), 2005 - v. 27 (1-2), 2006 - v. 28 (1-2), 2007 - v. 29 (1-2), 2008 - v. 30 (1-2), 2009 - v. 31 (1-2), 2010 - v. 32 (1) 1443-4873 Auto/Biography 0967-5507 1479-9715 2004-03-01 12 1 2006-12-01 14 4 ISSN_09675507 fulltext Preserved, triggered SAGE Publications Serial P 1479-9715 2004 - v. 12 (1-3), 2005 - v. 13 (1-3), 2006 - v. 14 (1-4) 0967-5507;1479-9715 BoneKEy Reports 2047-6396 2012-02-08 1 2 2017-01-13 14 null ISSN_20476396 fulltext Preserved, triggered Springer Nature Serial P 2047-6396 2012 - v. 1 (2-10, null), 2013 - v. 2 (1, 3-4, null), 2014 - v. 3 (null), 2015 - v. 4 (null), 2016 - v. 5 (null), 2017 - v. 6 (null), 2017 - v. 14 (null) 2047-6396 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 1474-3310 1474-3329 2001-06-01 1 1 2008-11-01 8 4 ISSN_14743310 fulltext Preserved, triggered Oxford University Press Serial P 1474-3310 2001 - v. 1 (1-2), 2002 - v. 2 (1-4), 2003 - v. 3 (1-4), 2004 - v. 4 (1-4), 2005 - v. 5 (1-4), 2006 - v. 6 (1-4), 2007 - v. 7 (1-4), 2008 - v. 8 (1-4) 1474-3310;1474-3329 Drug News &Perspectives 0214-0934 2013-0139 1998-01-01 11 1 2010-01-01 23 10 ISSN_02140934_1393 fulltext Preserved, triggered Clarivate Analytics Serial P 2013-0139 1998 - v. 11 (1-10), 1999 - v. 12 (1-10), 2000 - v. 13 (1-10), 2001 - v. 14 (1-10), 2002 - v. 15 (1-10), 2003 - v. 16 (1-10), 2004 - v. 17 (1-10), 2005 - v. 18 (1-10), 2006 - v. 19 (1-10), 2007 - v. 20 (1-10), 2008 - v. 21 (1-10), 2009 - v. 22 (1-10), 2010 - v. 23 (1-10) 0214-0934;2013-0139 Drugs of Today 1699-3993 1699-4019 1998-01-01 34 1 2023-03-01 59 3 ISSN_16993993_1393 fulltext Preserved, triggered Clarivate Analytics Serial P 1699-3993, 0025-7656 1998 - v. 34 (1-12), 1999 - v. 35 (1-12), 2000 - v. 36 (1-12), 2001 - v. 37 (1-12), 2002 - v. 38 (1-12, Supplement A), 2003 - v. 39 (1-12), 2004 - v. 40 (1-12), 2005 - v. 41 (1-12), 2006 - v. 42 (1-12), 2007 - v. 43 (1-12, Supplement B), 2008 - v. 44 (1-3, Supplement 3, 4, Supplement 4, 5-12, Supplement A, Supplement B), 2009 - v. 45 (1-12, Supplement A, Supplement B, sC), 2010 - v. 46 (1-12, Supplement A, Supplement B, sC, sF), 2011 - v. 47 (1-12, Supplement A, Supplement B, sC, sD), 2012 - v. 48 (1-12, Supplement A, Supplement B), 2013 - v. 49 (1-12, Supplement A), 2014 - v. 50 (1-12), 2015 - v. 51 (1-12), 2016 - v. 52 (1-12), 2017 - v. 53 (1-12), 2018 - v. 54 (1-12), 2019 - v. 55 (1-12), 2020 - v. 56 (1-12), 2021 - v. 57 (1-12), 2022 - v. 58 (1-12), 2023 - v. 59 (1-3) 1699-3993;1699-4019 Drugs of the Future 0377-8282 2013-0368 1998-01-01 23 1 2023-03-01 48 3 ISSN_03778282_1393 fulltext Preserved, triggered Clarivate Analytics Serial P 0377-8282 1998 - v. 23 (1-12), 1999 - v. 24 (1-12), 2000 - v. 25 (1-12), 2001 - v. 26 (1-12), 2002 - v. 27 (1-12), 2003 - v. 28 (1-12), 2004 - v. 29 (1-12, Supplement A), 2005 - v. 30 (1-12), 2006 - v. 31 (1-12, Supplement A, Supplement B), 2007 - v. 32 (1-12, Supplement A), 2008 - v. 33 (1-12, Supplement A), 2009 - v. 34 (1-12, Supplement A), 2010 - v. 35 (1-12, Supplement A), 2011 - v. 36 (1-12), 2012 - v. 37 (1-12), 2013 - v. 38 (1-12), 2014 - v. 39 (1-12), 2015 - v. 40 (1-12), 2016 - v. 41 (1-12), 2017 - v. 42 (1-12), 2018 - v. 43 (1-12), 2019 - v. 44 (1-12), 2020 - v. 45 (1-12), 2021 - v. 46 (1-12), 2022 - v. 47 (1-12), 2023 - v. 48 (1-3) 0377-8282;2013-0368 European Journal of Morphology 0924-3860 1744-4241 1996-02-01 34 1 2003-04-01 41 2 ISSN_09243860_21 fulltext Preserved, triggered Taylor & Francis Group Serial P 0924-3860 1996 - v. 34 (1-5), 1997 - v. 35 (1-5), 1998 - v. 36 (1-4), 1999 - v. 37 (1-5), 2000 - v. 38 (1-5), 2001 - v. 39 (1-5), 2002 - v. 40 (1-5), 2003 - v. 41 (1-2) 0924-3860;1744-4241 European Journal of Morphology 0924-3860 1744-4241 2005-02-01 42 1-2 2005-10-01 42 4-5 ISSN_09243860_21 fulltext Preserved, triggered Taylor & Francis Group Serial P 0924-3860 2005 - v. 42 (1-5) 0924-3860;1744-4241 Forum für osteuropäische Ideen -und Zeitgeschichte 1433-4887 2194-3672 2013-01-04 1 1 2013-01-04 16 1 ISSN_14334887 fulltext Preserved, triggered De Gruyter Serial P 1433-4887 1997/2013 - v. 1 (1-2), 1998 - v. 2 (1-2), 1999 - v. 3 (1-2), 2000 - v. 4 (1-2), 2001 - v. 5 (1-2), 2002 - v. 6 (1-2), 2003 - v. 7 (1-2), 2004 - v. 8 (1-2), 2005 - v. 9 (1-2), 2006/2013 - v. 10 (1-2), 2013 - v. 11 (1-2), 2013 - v. 12 (1-2), 2013 - v. 13 (1-2), 2013 - v. 14 (1-2), 2013 - v. 15 (1-2), 2013 - v. 16 (1) 1433-4887;2194-3672 Graft 1522-1628 2001-01-01 4 1 2003-03-01 6 2 ISSN_15221628 fulltext Preserved, triggered SAGE Publications Serial P 2160-0066 2001 - v. 4 (1-8), 2002 - v. 5 (1-8), 2003 - v. 6 (1-2) 1522-1628 International Journal of Business & Cyber Security 2059-660X 2059-6618 2016-01-01 1 1 2017-01-01 1 2 ISSN_2059660X fulltext Preserved, triggered Centre for Business & Economic Research Serial P 2059-6618 2016/2017 - v. 1 (1-2) 2059-660X;2059-6618 International Journal of Learning and Media 1943-6068 2009-02-01 1 1 2012-07-01 4 3-4 ISSN_19436068 fulltext Preserved, triggered MIT Press Serial P 1943-6068 2009/2010 - v. 1 (1-4), 2010 - v. 2 (1-4), 2011 - v. 3 (1-4), 2012 - v. 4 (1-4) 1943-6068 International Journal of Self-Help & Self-Care 1091-2851 1541-4450 1999-01-01 1 1 2014-01-01 8 2 ISSN_10912851 fulltext Preserved, triggered SAGE Publications Serial P 1541-4450 1999/2001 - v. 1 (1-4), 2003/2004/2005 - v. 2 (1-4), 2005 - v. 3 (1-4), 2005 - v. 4 (1-4), 2006 - v. 5 (1-4), 2012 - v. 6 (1-2), 2013 - v. 7 (1-2), 2014 - v. 8 (1-2) 1091-2851;1541-4450 Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung 0074-9818 2194-3699 1986-12-01 14 1 1986-12-01 14 1 ISSN_00749818 fulltext Preserved, triggered De Gruyter Serial P 0074-9818 1986 - v. 14 (1) 0074-9818;2194-3699 Internationales Jahrbuch der Erwachsenenbildung 0074-9818 2194-3699 2014-12-01 37 1 2017-09-26 40 1 ISSN_00749818 fulltext Preserved, triggered De Gruyter Serial P 0074-9818 2014 - v. 37 (1), 2015 - v. 38 (1), 2016 - v. 39 (1), 2017 - v. 40 (1) 0074-9818;2194-3699 Journal of Collective Negotiations 2167-7816 2167-7824 1999-03-01 28 1 2008-01-01 32 4 ISSN_21677816 fulltext Preserved, triggered SAGE Publications Serial P 2167-7816 1999 - v. 28 (1-4), 2000 - v. 29 (1-4), 2003/2005 - v. 30 (1-4), 2006/2007 - v. 31 (1-4), 2008 - v. 32 (1-4) 2167-7816;2167-7824 Journal of Environmental Systems 0047-2433 1541-3802 1971-01-01 1 1 2011-01-01 33 2 ISSN_00472433 fulltext Preserved, triggered SAGE Publications Serial P 0047-2433 1971 - v. 1 (1-4), 1972 - v. 2 (1-4), 1973 - v. 3 (1-4), 1974 - v. 4 (1-4), 1975 - v. 5 (1-4), 1976 - v. 6 (1-4), 1977 - v. 7 (1-4), 1978 - v. 8 (1-4), 1979 - v. 9 (1-4), 1980 - v. 10 (1-4), 1981 - v. 11 (1-4), 1982 - v. 12 (1-4), 1983 - v. 13 (1-4), 1984 - v. 14 (1-4), 1985 - v. 15 (1-4), 1986 - v. 16 (1-4), 1987 - v. 17 (1-4), 1988 - v. 18 (1-4), 1989 - v. 19 (1-4), 1990 - v. 20 (1-4), 1991 - v. 21 (1-4), 1992 - v. 22 (1-4), 1994 - v. 23 (1-4), 1995 - v. 24 (1-4), 1996 - v. 25 (1-4), 1997 - v. 26 (1-4), 1999/2000 - v. 27 (1-4), 2000/2001 - v. 28 (1-4), 2002/2003 - v. 29 (1-4), 2003/2004 - v. 30 (1-4), 2004/2007 - v. 31 (1-4), 2005 - v. 32 (1-4), 2011 - v. 33 (1-2) 1541-3802;0047-2433 Journal of Individual Employment Rights 1055-7512 1541-3799 1992-01-01 1 1 2007-01-01 12 4 ISSN_10557512 fulltext Preserved, triggered SAGE Publications Serial P 1541-3799 1992 - v. 1 (1-4), 1993 - v. 2 (1-4), 1994 - v. 3 (1-4), 1995 - v. 4 (1-4), 1996 - v. 5 (1-4), 1997 - v. 6 (1-4), 1998 - v. 7 (1-4), 1999 - v. 8 (1-4), 2000 - v. 9 (1-4), 2001/2002 - v. 10 (1-4), 2003/2004 - v. 11 (1-4), 2005/2007 - v. 12 (1-4) 1055-7512;1541-3799 Journal of Pharmacy Teaching 1044-0054 1540-7365 1990-01-01 1 1 2007-01-01 14 2 ISSN_10440054_98 fulltext Preserved, triggered Informa Healthcare (through 2015) Serial P 1990/1991 - v. 1 (1-4), 1991 - v. 2 (1-4), 1992/1993 - v. 3 (1-4), 1993/1994/1995 - v. 4 (1-4), 1996 - v. 5 (1-4), 1997/1998 - v. 6 (1-4), 1999/2000 - v. 7 (1-4), 2000/2001 - v. 8 (1-4), 2002 - v. 9 (1-4), 2002 - v. 10 (1-2), 2003/2004 - v. 11 (1-2), 2005 - v. 12 (1-2), 2006 - v. 13 (1-2), 2007 - v. 14 (1-2) 1044-0054;1540-7365 Journal of Workplace Rights 1938-4998 1938-5005 2008-01-01 13 1 2013-01-01 17 3-4 ISSN_19384998 fulltext Preserved, triggered SAGE Publications Serial P 1938-4998 2008 - v. 13 (1-4), 2009 - v. 14 (1-4), 2010 - v. 15 (1-4), 2011 - v. 16 (1-4), 2012/2013 - v. 17 (1-4) 1938-4998;1938-5005 K-Theory 0920-3036 1573-0514 1987-01-01 1 1 2008-01-01 38 2 ISSN_09203036 fulltext Preserved, triggered Springer Serial P 1573-0514 1987/1988 - v. 1 (1-6), 1988/1989 - v. 2 (1-6), 1989/1990 - v. 3 (1-6), 1990/1991 - v. 4 (1-6), 1991 - v. 5 (1-6), 1992 - v. 6 (1-6), 1993 - v. 7 (1-6), 1994 - v. 8 (1-6), 1995 - v. 9 (1-6), 1996 - v. 10 (1-6), 1997 - v. 11 (1-4), 1997 - v. 12 (1-4), 1998 - v. 13 (1-4), 1998 - v. 14 (1-4), 1998 - v. 15 (1-4), 1999 - v. 16 (1-4), 1999 - v. 17 (1-4), 1999 - v. 18 (1-4), 2000 - v. 19 (1-4), 2000 - v. 20 (1-4), 2000 - v. 21 (1-4), 2001 - v. 22 (1-4), 2001 - v. 23 (1-4), 2001 - v. 24 (1-4), 2002 - v. 25 (1-4), 2002 - v. 26 (1-4), 2002 - v. 27 (1-4), 2003 - v. 28 (1-4), 2003 - v. 29 (1-4), 2003 - v. 30 (1-4), 2004 - v. 31 (1-4), 2004 - v. 32 (1-4), 2004 - v. 33 (1-4), 2005 - v. 34 (1-4), 2005 - v. 35 (1-4), 2005 - v. 36 (1-4), 2006 - v. 37 (1-4), 2007/2008 - v. 38 (1-2) 0920-3036;1573-0514 Methods and Findings in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology 0379-0355 2013-0155 1998-01-01 20 1 2010-01-01 32 Supplement A ISSN_03790355_1393 fulltext Preserved, triggered Clarivate Analytics Serial P 2013-0155 1998 - v. 20 (1-10), 1999 - v. 21 (1-10), 2000 - v. 22 (1-10), 2001 - v. 23 (1-10), 2002 - v. 24 (1-10), 2003 - v. 25 (1-10), 2004 - v. 26 (1-10), 2005 - v. 27 (1-10, Supplement A), 2006 - v. 28 (1-10, Supplement A, Supplement B), 2007 - v. 29 (1-10, Supplement A), 2008 - v. 30 (1, Supplement 1, 2, Supplement 2, 3-10), 2009 - v. 31 (1-10, Supplement A), 2010 - v. 32 (1-10, Supplement A) 0379-0355;2013-0155 Pain Reviews 0968-1302 1998-04-01 5 1 2002-10-01 9 3-4 ISSN_09681302 fulltext Preserved, triggered Hodder Serial P 1477-0318 1998 - v. 5 (1-4), 1999 - v. 6 (1-4), 2000 - v. 7 (1-4), 2001 - v. 8 (1-4), 2002 - v. 9 (1-4) 0968-1302 Popular Narrative Media 1754-3819 1754-3827 2008-04-01 1 1 2009-01-01 2 2 ISSN_17543819 fulltext Preserved, triggered Liverpool University Press Serial P 1754-3827 2008 - v. 1 (1-2), 2009 - v. 2 (1-2) 1754-3819;1754-3827 PsycCRITIQUES 0010-7549 1554-0138 1956-01-01 1 1 2012-01-01 57 50 ISSN_00107549 fulltext Preserved, triggered American Psychological Association Serial P 1554-0138, 0010-7549 1956 - v. 1 (1-12), 1957 - v. 2 (1-12), 1958 - v. 3 (1-12), 1959 - v. 4 (1-12), 1960 - v. 5 (1-12), 1961 - v. 6 (1-12), 1962 - v. 7 (1-12), 1963 - v. 8 (1-12), 1964 - v. 9 (1-12), 1965 - v. 10 (1-12), 1966 - v. 11 (1-12), 1967 - v. 12 (1-12), 1968 - v. 13 (1-12), 1969 - v. 14 (1-12), 1970 - v. 15 (1-12), 1971 - v. 16 (1-12), 1972 - v. 17 (1-12), 1973 - v. 18 (1-12), 1974 - v. 19 (1-12), 1975 - v. 20 (1-12), 1976 - v. 21 (1-12), 1977 - v. 22 (1-12), 1978 - v. 23 (1-12), 1979 - v. 24 (1-12), 1980 - v. 25 (1-12), 1981 - v. 26 (1-12), 1982 - v. 27 (1-12), 1983 - v. 28 (1-12), 1984 - v. 29 (1-12), 1985 - v. 30 (1-12), 1986 - v. 31 (1-12), 1987 - v. 32 (1-12), 1988 - v. 33 (1-12), 1989 - v. 34 (1-12), 1990 - v. 35 (1-12), 1991 - v. 36 (1-12), 1992 - v. 37 (1-12), 1993 - v. 38 (1-12), 1994 - v. 39 (1-12), 1995 - v. 40 (1-12), 1996 - v. 41 (1-12), 1997 - v. 42 (1-12), 1998 - v. 43 (1-12), 1999 - v. 44 (1-6), 2000 - v. 45 (1-6), 2001 - v. 46 (1-6), 2002 - v. 47 (1-6), 2003 - v. 48 (1-6), 2004 - v. 49 (1, Supplement 1, 2, Supplement 2, 3, Supplement 3, 4, Supplement 4, 5, Supplement 5, 6, Supplement 6, Supplement 7, Supplement 8, Supplement 9, Supplement 10, Supplement 11, Supplement 12, Supplement 13, Supplement 14), 2005 - v. 50 (1-52), 2006 - v. 51 (1-52), 2007 - v. 52 (1-52), 2008 - v. 53 (1-52), 2009 - v. 54 (1-51), 2010 - v. 55 (1-52), 2011 - v. 56 (1-52), 2012 - v. 57 (1-50) 0010-7549;1554-0138 PsycCRITIQUES 0010-7549 1554-0138 2013-01-01 58 1 2017-01-01 62 51 ISSN_00107549 fulltext Preserved, triggered American Psychological Association Serial P 1554-0138, 0010-7549 2013 - v. 58 (1-51), 2014 - v. 59 (1-52), 2015 - v. 60 (1-52), 2016 - v. 61 (1-52), 2017 - v. 62 (1-51) 0010-7549;1554-0138 Science Foundation in China 1005-0841 2008-01-01 16 1 2012-12-01 20 2 ISSN_10050841 fulltext Preserved, triggered Institute of Physics Publishing Serial P 1005-0841 2008 - v. 16 (1-2), 2009 - v. 17 (1-2), 2010 - v. 18 (1-2), 2011 - v. 19 (1-2), 2012 - v. 20 (1-2) 1005-0841 Visual Culture in Britain 1471-4787 1941-8361 2004-06-01 5 1 2008-11-01 9 2 ISSN_14714787 fulltext Preserved, triggered Manchester University Press Serial P 2004 - v. 5 (1-2), 2005 - v. 6 (1-2), 2006 - v. 7 (1-2), 2007 - v. 8 (1-2), 2008 - v. 9 (1-2) 1471-4787;1941-8361