post_parent == 0) && !is_category(NEWS_EVENTS_CATEGORY_ID) ) { // need some manual control over the breadcrumb object global $bcn_admin; $bc = $bcn_admin->breadcrumb_trail; $bc->opt = $bcn_admin->get_option('bcn_options'); $bc->fill(); // remove extra categories in News section if needed if (portico_is_news_section() && is_single()) { if (sizeof($bc->trail) > 3 && $bc->trail[2]->title == 'Announcements & Press Releases') { unset($bc->trail[1]); $bc->trail = array_merge($bc->trail); // need to reset the array indexes } // customize the breadcrumbs for the past news page } elseif (portico_is_past_news()) { $bc->trail[0]->set_anchor($bc->opt['category_anchor'], get_category_link(NEWS_CATEGORY_ID)); array_unshift($bc->trail, new bcn_breadcrumb(portico_past_news_title())); } elseif (portico_is_past_events()) { $bc->trail[0]->title = 'Past Events'; } $bc->display(); } else { echo ' '; } ?>